Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


WTE Troubleshooting Guide



Possible Solution

No Employee tab in my AggieAccess Portal.

Employee and or job records are not setup correctly in HR.

Contact HR Record correction. For students, contact Student Employment Coordinator.

There may be a 24-hour grace period before the employee tab will appear in the user's AggieAccess Portal.

No Employee can see Timesheet for a specific period

No employee has been hired on NBAJOBS for the pay period so a record is not created for the pay period.

At least one employee needs to be hired for new pay period to appear in the AggieAccess Portal.

No time sheets or leave reports are displayed in my Time Approval channel.

Employee has not submitted fa time sheet or leave report.

Wait for employee to submit his/her record or enter the system as a superuser to see the status of employee records in associated organizations.

Days are missing on my time sheet.

Employee's job started or ended within a payroll period.

Employees can only enter time on days corresponding to their active job.

Required action is Override or status is Overridden.

Approver or proxy entered the system as a superuser.

When an approver or proxy enters Employee Self Service as a superuser, the Required Action for time/leave records will say Override instead of Acknowledge or Approve. Approvers/proxies may still perform the same functions; the override status is a notification that you are in the system as a superuser. If the approver or proxy approves an employee's record while in the superuser role, the queue status (transaction status) will change to Overridden.

An error has been discovered on a time sheet or leave report and the record has been approved.

Once a record has been approved it can not be modified.

Any corrections/adjustments for a biweekly-paid employee's time record must be submitted to the Payroll Office in writing by the employee's Financial Manager. A paper time sheet must also accompany this request. Additional copies must be sent to the Employee Records Office of Human Resources.

Corrections to a monthly-paid employee's leave report must be submitted to the Employee Records Office of Human Resources in writing by the Financial Manager.

An employee who no longer works for my organization has a time sheet or leave report displaying on my Departmental Summary screen.

The employee's termination paperwork is still being processed or the employee may be on terminal leave.

The time sheet/leave report must still be submitted and approved.

Time Sheet is in Error status.

The employee has attempted to submit the time sheet while potential errors exist that may prevent the record from being approved.

There are a number of actions that may trigger a time sheet to go into error status. Review the error message on the time sheet by clicking on the errors hyperlink. Locate the error in the Error Message table below and review the possible solutions for approving the record.

My organization code does not appear in the Department drop-down list on the Approver Selection screen.

Not a single employee assigned to the timekeeping organization code has opened their time sheet or leave report.

At least one person in the timekeeping organization code must open their record to activate the organization code on the Approver Selection screen.

Error Message


Possible Solution

*WARNING* Possible Insufficient Leave Balance.

The employee may have entered hours in an earning code that does not accrue leave (i.e. voting leave, military leave, bereavement leave, jury duty).

Review the employee's leave report to ensure hours where placed in the correct earning code.

The employee may be taking more annual or sick leave than available.

Review the employee's leave report to ensure hours where placed in the correct earning code. If the employee attempts to take more annual leave than available, leave will be deducted from the employee's sick leave balance. If annual and sick leave are exhausted then hours convert to leave without pay (LWOP).

*WARNING* Employee has Pending Leave Reports for Additional Positions in this Reporting Period.

The employee may have changed positions during the leave reporting period.

Submit all reports for approval with any leave taken entered on the appropriate report(s).

There may be an error in the employee's NBAJOBS record.

Contact the HR office.

*WARNING* No hours entered.

A leave report was submitted without any hours or a zero (0) entered.

Enter at least one zero (0) into the leave report to prevent the warning from displaying.

*ERROR* No hours entered.

No hours have been entered into the time sheet and the record is in Error status.

Biweekly-paid time sheets must always contain at least one zero (0) entered into an earnings code (Enter Hours) field when the employee does not have any time to report for the payroll period. Not entering a zero (0) results with the record being placed in an Error status where it can not be approved.

The employee (the originator) must restart the time sheet to clear the error and enter a zero (0) in one of the Enter Hours fields. Then submit the record for approval.

If the employee originated and submitted the time sheet without entering any time, the superuser can not enter time, submit, or approve the record. The record will remain in error status for payroll processing.

*ERROR* Submit not allowed.

A record was attempted to be submitted more than once.

This error can occur when the user double-clicks on the Submit for Approval button, or if the user attempts to use the Web browser back button and make changes to the record after it has been submitted.

Restart the time sheet/leave report to clear the error before submitting for approval and re-enter any hours previously entered before the restart. If the time sheet/leave report is not restarted, the error will not affect record processing, but will require the approver to assume the superuser role to approve the record.

*ERROR* Approval not allowed.

A record was attempted to be approved more than once.

This error can occur when the approver double-clicks on the Approve button, or attempts to use the Web browser back button to return to records already approved.

Restart the time sheet/leave report to clear the error before submitting for approval and re-enter any hours previously entered before the restart. If the time sheet/leave report is not restarted, the error will not affect record processing, but will require the approver to assume the superuser role to approve the record.

*ERROR* Time transaction already exists.

Employee attempted to start a time sheet that has already been initiated and is in an In Progress status.

This error can occur when a user double-click when starting a time sheet, or attempts to use the Web browser back button after previously selecting and starting a time sheet.

Restart the time sheet/leave report to clear the error before submitting for approval and re-enter any hours previously entered before the restart. If the time sheet/leave report is not restarted, the error will not affect record processing, but will require the approver to assume the superuser role to approve the record.

*ERROR* Access denied. You do not have permission to access this service.

You may be using an outdated Web browser.

The AggieAccess Portal uses technologies (i.e., JavaScript, Cookies, and Java) that may not be supported in your Web browser. The following Web browsers/operating systems are recommended:


   OS X v10.3


      Safari 1.2, 1.3

   OS X v10.4


      Safari 2.0, 3.x, 4.0

  OS X v10.5

       Firefox 2.0

      Safari 2.0, 3.x, 4.0

  OS X v10.6

      Safari 2.0, 3.x, 4.0

PC: Windows

       Internet Explorer 6.0, 6.0 SP2, 7.0, and 8.0

       Firefox 1.0, 1.03, 1,04, 1.0.7, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5

The time sheet/leave report may be blocked by a firewall (i.e. Norton Firewall).

Disable the firewall to access the record. Enable the firewall again after you have successfully submitted your time sheet/leave report for approval.

*ERROR* You have no records available at this time. Please contact your Payroll Administrator if you have any questions.

You may be clicking on the wrong type of time/leave record.

Biweekly-paid employees report time worked and leave taken on time sheets. Click on the hyperlink Click here to access my time sheet (biweekly).

Monthly-paid employees report leave taken on leave reports. Click on the hyperlink Click here to access to access my leave report (monthly).

Your employee record has not been set to Time/Leave Reporting via the Web on your NBAJOBS record.

Contact your immediate supervisor or organization's HR Office.

Your routing/approval queue has an error.

Contact the HR office to resolve this problem.

*ERROR* User ID and Password do not pair up.

Need to have PH password reset.

Contact the ITS Helpdesk and provide your error message during the process of your password reset. You will also need to provide information to prove your identity.

*ERROR* A break-in attempt was detected.

Need to have PH password reset.

Contact the ITS Helpdesk and provide your error message during the process of your password reset. You will also need to provide information to prove your identity.

There is a 24-hour grace period before the Employee tab will appear in the user's AggieAccess Portal.

*ERROR* A break-in attempt was detected.


*ERROR* You have attempted to access a disabled page.

Employee has clicked on the Update Approval Proxies hyperlink in the Time Approval channel of their AggieAccess Portal.

For security purposes the Update Approval Proxies administration page has been disabled. Contact the HR office for a resolution of this problem.

*ERROR* The user ID for all approvers must be defined on GOAEACC.

There is a problem with the approvers/acknowledgers security setup.

Contact the HR office to resolve this problem .