CUMSS was founded in Fall 2013. The purpose of this seminar series is to have faculty share their scholarship and teaching with peers and the communities we serve. It is attended by mathematics faculty, undergraduates at all levels, as well as occasional external faculty and students.
We meet every third Tuesday of the month at 03:30 P.M. in 212 Burch Hall during the Fall and Spring semesters. Refreshments are served at 03:20 P.M. at the same location. Talks by Cameron University faculty and outside faculty are generally in the ballpark of 45-55 minutes long, which leaves plenty of time for questions. The first 15-20 minutes of a talk should be accessible to freshmen students in their first year of calculus. If the entire talk can be made accessible to freshmen, that is much appreciated.
If you would like to speak, or have suggestions for a speaker that would give an engaging talk to our audience, please email Dr. Hong Li at, or call 580 581- 2551.
Success Stories in Math Biology
SPEAKER: Dr. Brittany Bannish Laverty, from University of Central Oklahoma
Date: February 24th, 2020
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: Bur 026 (Basement of Burch Hall)
To Be Announced
SPEAKER: Dr. Scott Williams, from University of Central Oklahoma
Date: March 10th, 2020
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: Bur 026 (Basement of Burch Hall)
To Be Announced
SPEAKER: Dr. Liz Lane-Harvard, from University of Central Oklahoma
Date: April 14th, 2020
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: Bur 026 (Basement of Burch Hall)
Survivable IP-over-WDM Networks: Introduction, Challenges, and Some Solutions
Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Javed, from Cameron University
Date: September 24th, 2019
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: BUR B026 (Basement of Burch Hall)
Machine Learning and Non-Invasive Health Monitoring and Diagnosis
Speaker: Dr. Sudhir Shrestha, from Sonoma State University
Date: October 28th, 2019
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: BUR B026 (Basement of Burch Hall)
Classification of Turkish Makam Music: A Topological Approach
Speaker: Dr. Mehmet Aktas, from the University of Central Oklahoma
Date: November 18th, 2019
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: BUR B026 (Basement of Burch Hall)