Innovative Instructional Grant
Purpose and Scope
The Cameron University Innovative Instructional Grant Program has been established to support faculty and staff in the improvement of classroom, laboratory or library instructional procedures. Aimed at the implementation of new and emerging technologies in the classroom especially facilitating online or ITV delivery, primary consideration will be given to projects concerned with direct classroom, laboratory or library applications.
The applicant will submit a formal request in the form of a proposal to the Office of Academic Affairs through the Department Chair and the Dean/Director. The proposal will be reviewed by the Cameron University Teaching and Learning Committee. Based on the recommendation of the Teaching and Learning Committee, the final approving authority for the application is the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The following forms and respective guidelines should be used in preparing and submitting an Innovative Instructional Grant. Make sure to download / open them as an Adobe PDF form in order to properly complete and ultimately submit the relevant form. For additional details regarding the Cameron internal grants and compliance issues, please make sure to visit CU Internal Grants.