Research Grant
Purpose and Scope
The Cameron University Research Grant Program has been established to encourage faculty, staff, and students in completing creative and scholarly projects in the areas of discovery, integration, application, and teaching. Proposals will be evaluated on merit with special consideration to proposals that include the following: 1) student collaborative research opportunities, 2) establish a sound basis for the pursuit of external grant opportunities, and 3) lead to publications or other scholarly products.
As you apply for Cameron Research grants, please keep the following policies in mind. Faculty may request the purchase of equipment only when the equipment is essential to a scholarly work or research project and is not already reasonably available and accessible elsewhere on campus or through other external funding sources. Equipment is usually designated as 1) special purpose equipment and 2) general equipment. Special purpose equipment is any equipment necessary to the project. General purpose equipment includes typewriters, personal computers, etc.
The applicant will submit a formal request in the form of a proposal to the Office of Academic Affairs through the Department Chair and the Dean/Director. The proposal will be reviewed by the Cameron University Research Committee. Proposal submissions for all internal grants involving human subjects should include a copy of the certificate indicated the successful completion of the CITI course. Proposal submissions for all internal grants involving non-human vertebrates should include approval of the project by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
The following form and respective guidelines should be used in preparing and submitting a Research Grant. Make sure to download / open the document as an Adobe PDF form in order to properly complete and ultimately submit the relevant form. For additional details regarding the Cameron internal grants and compliance issues, please make sure to visit CU Internal Grants.