Academic Festival I: Year of the Renaissance
Academic Festival I: Year of the Renaissance“Year of the Renaissance” (1991-92) emphasized both the historic renaissance and the resurgence of learning as society prepared for the new century.
Major Speakers:
- Gene Brucker, Ph.D., Department of History, University of California-Berkeley
- David Buisseret, Ph.D.,The Newberry Library, Chicago
- Janet Fierman, Ph.D., Chief Curator of History, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
- Werner Gundersheimer, Ph.D., Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.
- Arthur L. Loeb, Ph.D., Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University
- John R. Woodhouse, D. Litt., Magdalen College, University of Oxford
Academic Festival II: A Celebration of Diversity
“A Celebration of Diversity” (1993-94) explored diversity in history, the college classroom, the business environment, and the community.
Major Speakers:
- Dr. Cornel West, Professor of African-American Studies Program, Princeton, University
- Dr. Ramon A. Gutierrez, Director, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California-San Diego and Senior Fellow, Getty Center for the History of Art and The Humanities
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr., Professor of English and Director, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute, Harvard University

Academic Festival III: Science, Technology & The 21st Century
“Science, Technology and the 21st Century” (1996-97) examined the impact of science and technology on a variety of disciplines and on contemporary culture.
Major Speakers:
- Jaime A. Pinkham, Manager of the Department of Natural Resources for the Nez Perce Tribe and Chair Emeritus, American Indian Science and Technology Engineering Society
- Kirkpatrick Sale, Contributing Editor to The Nation
- James Burke, creator of the PBS television series “Connections”
- Dr. Benjamin Barber, Director, Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy, Rutgers University
Academic Festival IV: Bridging the Millennia
“Bridging the Millennia” (1999-2000) focused on how past events could influence the future, how advancements in technology and science will reshape everyday life, and how business, education, the media and other aspects of our culture will have to adapt to survive in the future.
Major Speakers:
- Jim Horne, President, Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture
- Dr. James Derr, Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M
- John December, President, December Communications, Inc., a Web communications company
- Dr. James Boyer, Professor of Curriculum and American Ethnic Studies, Kansas State University
- Hugh Herr, Ph.D., faculty member, Harvard University and double amputee specializing in the fields of biomechanics and biological motion control
- Stanley Aronowitz, Director, Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work, City University of New York
Academic Festival V: Beyond Borders: Globalization and the Human Experience
“Beyond Borders: Globalization and the Human Experience” (2002-03) explored the phenomenon of globalization, a growing consolation of economic, political and military power.
Major Speakers:
- Dr. Oscar Arias, former president of Costa Rica, Nobel Peace Prize Winner
- Dr. Fareed Zakaria, Editor, Newsweek International
- Dr. Jared Diamond, Professor of Physiology, School of Medicine, UCLA
- Paul Krugman, Professor of Economics, Princeton University, and Pulitzer Prize winner
- Dr. Elaine Pagels, Professor of Religion, Princeton University
Academic Festival VI: CU In Good Health
“CU in Good Health” (2005-06) was an exploration of current issues surrounding the world of health and wellness.
Major Speakers:
- Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Founder, Cooper Aerobic Center
- Mr. Miriam Nelson, Director, John Hancock Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Tufts University
- Dr. Alvin Poussaint, Harvard School of Medicine
- Dr. Jocelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General

Academic Festival VII: Centennial Celebration
The "Centennial Celebration" (2008-09) marked 100 years since Cameron University was founded in 1908 as the Cameron State School of Agriculture.
Major Speakers:
- James Bradley, author
- Beverly Kearney, track and field coach
- George Will, journalist/political commentator
- Al Roker, weatherman/co-host NBC Today Show
Academic Festival VIII: Afghanistan: Its Complexities and Relevance
“Afghanistan: Its Complexities and Relevance” (2011-12) took an in-depth look at this important Central Asian country from a wide variety of angles.
Major Speakers:
- Dr. Khaled Hosseini, author
- Steve Coll, journalist
- Chuck Hagel, former U.S. Senator
- Robin Wright, journalist/foreign policy analyst
- Gen. (Ret.) Stanley A. McChrystal, former commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan
Academic Festival IX - Sustainability, Challenges and Opportunities
“Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities” (2014-15) presented opportunities for students and the public to gain a better understanding of sustainability, from agricultural practices and natural resources to investigating ways that sustainability can benefit communities.
Major Speakers:
- Rick Bayless, chef/author
- Robert Glennon, water resource expert
- Jeff Speck, city planner/urban designer
- Ed Begley Jr., actor/environmentalist
Academic Festival X: American Identities in the 21st Century
“American Identities in the 21st Century” (2017-18) explored the elements that shape what it means to be an American today – how social justice has changed the American Dream; the impact of migration, immigration and emigration; and America’s place on today’s world stage.
Major Speakers:
- Charles Mann, author & journalist
- Michele Norris, media correspondent & activis
- General (Ret.) Jack Keane