Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Online Education Complaint Process

Cameron University seeks to maintain the highest standards of integrity and fairness in its relationships with students, faculty and staff. We make every effort to resolve concerns or disagreements in a timely and fair manner.

  • If you experience a problem with online course access, Blackboard, or Distance Learning support services, please email or call 580-581-5498 / 580-581-5950.  
  • If you experience a problem with another student, consult the Code of Student Conduct. If necessary, contact the Office of Student Development.
  • If you experience a problem with a faculty member, we encourage you to contact the instructor and discuss the issue or concern. Many problems are resolved with clear and cordial communication. However, if a concern cannot be directly resolved with the faculty member, you may progress through administrative channels and contact the instructor’s department chair, school dean, and lastly, the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Please follow the complaint process outlined in Section 6 of the Cameron University Academic Regulations found in the Student Handbook
  • Most concerns are quickly and appropriately resolved within Distance Learning or the Academic Department / School. However, if the concern has not been adequately addressed by Cameron University via the process noted above, then Oklahoma resident students may appeal the compliant with Cameron University’s SARA state portal agency
  • Out-of-state students with unresolved complaints should contact their home state’s SARA portal agency found within this link

We look forward to answering your questions and assisting with any concerns. For additional information, please contact:

Susan Camp

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs

Director of Distance Learning / Director of Duncan Campus

(580) 581-5950