Databases by Subject
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. All topics.
- Article First (FirstSearch) Abstracts from more than 16,000 journals covering all subjects.
- Cambridge Histories Online (Cambridge University Press) Reference books covering American and World History along with the histories of various subjects such as Music, Philosophy, and Science.
- CQ Researcher (CQ Press)
- Films on Demand (Films Media Group) Over 10,000 streaming videos covering multiple topics and issues.
- Historical Statistics of the United States (Cambridge University Press)
- Image Quest (Britannica) Over 3 million right-cleared images available for educational use.
- JSTOR (JSTOR) Complete full-text for various scholarly topics.
- MasterFILE Premier (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
- OmniFile Full Text Select (EBSCO) Formerly Wilson Select Plus. Complete full-text covering all topics; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
- SAGE Premier (SAGE) Complete full-text from high-end scholarly journals covering all topics.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States (Proquest) Comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
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- AGRICOLA (EBSCO) Abstracts only, but can link with available full-text. Indexes 2,200+ journals associated with Agriculture.
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Business & Technology
- Applied Science & Technology Source (EBSCO) Computing, Technology.
- Business Source Premier (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in both Business and Technology.
- Business Searching Interface (EBSCO) Alternate searching interface to Business Source Premier. Allows searching by stock, company, country, industry, etc.
- Computer Source (EBSCO) Consumer Edition.
- (Consumer Reports) Product reviews and comparisons.
- Morningstar Direct (Morningstar) Current financial information concerning Stocks, Funds, ETFs, Industries, etc.
- Regional Business News (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
- RMA eStatement Studies (Risk Management Association) Email the Electronic Resources Librarian to request access. From RMA's website: "The Annual Statement Studies are the only source of composite performance metrics derived directly from the financial statements of financial institutions’ borrowers and prospects. These financial statements come directly to RMA from our member institutions, which get their data straight from their customers."
- Small Business Reference Center (EBSCO)
- ValueLine (ValueLine) Financial information on various Industries and Companies.
- World Development Indicators (World Bank) Provides more than 900 economic, social, and environmental indicators for 210 economies dating back to 1960.
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- Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
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Criminal Justice & Sociology
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts (EBSCO) Abstracts only, but can link to available full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
- Sociological Collection (EBSCO)
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Current Events & Controversies
- CQ Researcher (CQ Press)
- Issues & Controversies (Infobase) Offers arguments and essays for both sides of many controversial issues.
- TOPICsearch (EBSCO) Complete full-text of current events and issues.
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- Chronicle of Higher Education (EBSCO) Higher education news.
- ERIC (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in Education.
- LISTA (EBSCO) Abstracts-only, but can link to available full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in Libraries and Information Studies.
- Professional Development Collection (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in Education.
- The Teaching Professor (Magna) Higher education instruction.
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Fine Arts
- CAMIO Approximately 95,000 art images; all art images are rights-cleared for educational use.
- Classical Music in Video (Alexander Street Press) Approximately 1,500 classical music performances.
- Petrucci (IMSLP) Focused on sharing public domain music; includes nearly 300,000 scores and nearly 100,000 works.
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Health Sciences
- Consumer Health Complete (EBSCO)
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in scholarly journals associated with the Health Sciences.
- Health Source: Consumer Edition (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in mainstream journals associated with the Health Sciences.
- PubMed Central (U.S. National Library of Medicine) Full-text articles that focus on Biomedical issues.
- Medline (EBSCO) Abstracts only, but can link to available full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in medical issues.
- SPORTDiscus (EBSCO) Sports, exercise, medical.
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History & Government
- Annals of American History (Britannica) Collection of primary documents connected with U.S. History. Can be browsed by topic or chronologically through included timeline.
- Cambridge Histories Online (Cambridge University Press) Ebooks covering a variety of historical subjects.
- Chronicles of Oklahoma Journal that highlights Oklahoma history.
- Digital Sanborn Maps (ProQuest)
- GPO (First Search) Complete full-text of Government Printing Office publications.
- Military & Government Collection (EBSCO) Full-text and abstracts; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
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K-12 Resources
- MAS Ultra - School Edition (EBSCO) General middle school/high school level database.
- Middle Search Plus (EBSCO) General middle school level database.
- Primary Search (EBSCO) Elementary level database.
- Searchasaurus (EBSCO) General elementary level database.
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Literature & Language
- MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO) Abstracts only, but can link to available full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in literature.
- JSTOR (JSTOR) Complete full-text for various scholarly topics including Literature and Languages.
- Poetry & Short Story (EBSCO) Literature.
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News & Newspapers
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis) Complete full-text with a collection of newspapers, including The New York Times .
- Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCO) Complete full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
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- PsycARTICLES (EBSCO) Complete full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
- Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection (EBSCO) Complete full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches.
- ( Essential collection of 50 training videos in the field of psychotherapy.
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Reference & Other
- Credo Reference (Credo) Full-text encyclopedic information/entries from a variety of sources.
- Encyclopedia Britannica (Britannica) Full-text encyclopedic information.
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (EBSCO) Full-text encyclopedic information.
- Hobbies & Crafts (EBSCO)
- Home Improvement (EBSCO)
- Merriam-Webster (Britannica) Dictionary, thesaurus and quotations.
- Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford) The OED is the definitive record of the English language, featuring 600,000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1,000 years of English.
- WorldCat (First Search) Citations only. Catalog for the world's libraries.
- WorldCat Dissertations (First Search) Citations only. Catalog of theses and dissertations.
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Sciences & Mathematics
- American Chemical Society Publications (ACS) Complete full-text. Specializes in Chemistry.
- Biological Abstracts (EBSCO) Abstracts only, but can link to available full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Indexes 4,000+ Biology journals.
- GreenFILE (EBSCO) Abstracts only but can link to available full-text; can be combined with other EBSCO searches. Specializes in the Environment and Environmental issues.
- IOPScience (Institute of Physics) Full-text. Specializes in Physics.
- PubMed Central (U.S. National Library of Medicine) Full-text articles that focus on Biomedical issues.
- Today's Science (Infobase)
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