Student Support Services
Mission Statement
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded Title IV program whose mission is to offer appropriate academic support services to Cameron University students who have academic need, are first generation, have an economic need, or students with disabilities. SSS seeks to enrich the college experience for the students who are accepted into the program. SSS strives to retain and help program participants graduate with baccalaureate degrees by providing academic advisement, tutoring, mentoring, career advisement, financial assistance information, SSS cultural trips and workshops, and information about campus and community resources.
Student Support Services’ retention and graduation program helps students to acquire skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes that will enable them to lead creative, productive, and self-fulfilling lives.
Focusing on building basic academic skills in the areas of remedial classes, SSS members are given priority into SSS sections of beginning algebra, Supplemental/College algebra, and Supplemental/Comp I. Tutoring labs are staffed by faculty and provide regular assistance for math and English.
Do you qualify for Student Support Services?
You may qualify for Student Support Services if you have an academic need and meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be a first-generation college student (i.e. neither of your parents holds a four-year degree at application time).
- Meet federal guidelines for having an economic need.(do you get Pell Grants? 99% of these students are eligible).
- Have a documented learning or physical disability.
You must be at least enrolled in 9 hours in fall semester, 9 hours in spring semester, or 3 hours in summer when you apply.
You must be working toward your first 4 year bachelors degree (note: Allied Health/nursing degree is 2yr at CU).
You must be a U.S. citizen or have a permanent alien resident card to be eligible to join Student Support Services.
If you were a previous TRIO member of Upward Bound or Open Doors, you can be a SSS member. SSS is part of the TRIO program.
To apply to this program, stop by the Student Support Services office in room 431, North Shepler to pickup an application.
Note: The U.S. Department of Education funds 100% of Cameron's Student Support Services operation. For the 2019-2020 program year, a total of $445,101.00 was provided by a federal Title IV grant.