Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Course Evaluations

Course Evaluation Instructions

Cameron University IDEA course evaluations has transitioned to an all online platform powered by Campus Labs .

The Cameron University Library offers a Kindle Fire Tablet checkout service to Cameron students, staff and faculty. These tablets can be used to complete your course evaluation surveys. Tablet Policy found here.


Students will be sent an email with a link to access their courses. Click on the link and enter your credentials to login (the same as Aggie Access). There you will find a list of your courses that will be evaluated. Please click on each course and complete the evaluation for each class. This will need to be done during each administration period.

Students , please click here to access your courses.

Student Basics

How do I complete my course evaluation?


Faculty will be sent an email with a link to access their courses. Click on the link and enter your credentials to login (the same as Aggie Access). There you will find a list of your courses that will be evaluated. Please click on each course and complete the objectives section. This will need to be done during each administration period.

Faculty , please click here to access your courses .

Faculty Basics

How do I complete the objectives section (FIF)?

How do I add additional questions?

Instant Feedback video; information; report

Best Practices for Online Response Rates

Reporting Guide for Faculty

Dean and Chair Reports

Deans and department chairs will be sent an email when their reports are available.

Deans & Chairs, please click here to access your courses.

Reporting Guide for Deans and Chair

Reporting Guide for Faculty