Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Welcome to the Cameron University Scholarship Application Portal!

Click here for a listing of Cameron University scholarship opportunities and requirements.


The priority deadline to apply for scholarships is March 1st.

Please read the following instructions thoroughly and then click the link at the bottom of the page to apply. The link will open in a separate browser tab so that you may refer back to these instructions at any time.

1. To sign in, use your Aggie Access CU ID and password. You must be fully admitted to CU in order to apply for scholarships. Apply for admissions here. Please allow 48 hours after being fully admitted before logging on to apply for scholarships.

2. On the next screen, choose whether or not to save your login information.

3. You will then be directed to the general application. You can save the application and continue it at any time. Please fill it out completely before clicking "Finish and Submit." You can also update your submitted application at any time.

4. You will then be directed to the "Recommended Opportunities" page. Please note that not all students will qualify for these scholarship opportunities. You may click on the name of any given scholarship opportunity for more details. If you feel like you might qualify, click the "Apply" button to fill out an additional application or to get additional details on how to apply.

5. The "Opportunities" button at the top of the screen will navigate to "Recommended Opportunities" or to a list of "All" available scholarship opportunities that Cameron University offers.

6. The "My Applications" button at the top of the screen will navigate to the status screen of your general application, your "Apply-To" applications, reference letter submissions, etc. You will also be able to view any applications you have been "auto-matched" to based on your general application and student record. Please note that this does not guarantee that you have been or will be awarded these scholarships. Your applications will be forwarded to committees for review in the Spring, and if you are awarded a scholarship(s), you will receive an email with further instructions.

Click Here To Apply for Cameron University Scholarships