Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


Are Cameron’s teacher education programs accredited?

All initial and advanced teacher education programs are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Oklahoma Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA).

What are my chances of getting a teaching job when I graduate?

Excellent! In 2013-2014, 97% of Cameron’s undergraduate education graduates from both Lawton and RSU who searched for full-time teaching jobs found them.

How do I request a copy of a course syllabus?

To request a copy of the syllabus for a course taught in the Department of Education, please contact the instructor of the course as noted in the course schedule or contact Tiffany Hamilton in Nance-Boyer 1078 or at 580-581-2320.

The Department of Education teaches courses with the following prefixes: ECEC, ECE, EDUC, LIBS, READ and SPED.

Is it possible to complete an undergraduate education degree completely on nights and weekends?

Education courses are available in a variety of formats including nights, weekends, and online. Unfortunately at this time it is not possible to complete an entire degree in an alternative format.

I have professional experience working in schools. Can I use this to fulfill my field experiences?

Because the required field experiences correspond to course content and because Cameron guarantees that you'll have a variety of diverse field experiences, prior experience cannot be substituted.

I am interested in teaching middle school or high school. What options are available to me?

If you do not hold a bachelor's degree . . .

Those who are interested in secondary education can complete an undergraduate education degree in one of the secondary fields offered (biology education, English education, math education, physical education, romance languages education, and social studies education) which leads to certification through Cameron or they can complete an undergraduate degree in the specific content area and seek alternative certification through the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Those who elect to become alternatively certified may choose to complete the M.Ed. in Education with a concentration in Teaching & Learning to gain valuable knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will help them succeed in the classroom.

If you already hold a bachelor's degree . . .

Those who hold a bachelor's degree can seek alternative certification through the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Those who elect to become alternatively certified may choose to complete the M.Ed. in Education with a concentration in Teaching & Learning to gain valuable knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will help them succeed in the classroom.

How much does a Cameron teacher education degree cost?

Cameron University has earned a ranking in’s list of Most Affordable 4-Year Online Programs, which ranks undergraduate programs across the country. Cameron is ranked #13 among the 50 ranked institutions and is the highest-ranked institution in the state of Oklahoma. The image below shows details about the estimated $900 in costs throughout the education programs beyond tuition and fees.

What are the current teacher shortage areas in Oklahoma?

The State Department of Education declared the following to be teacher shortage areas for 2013-2014: Social Studies, School Counselor, English, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Mathematics, Special Education. Cameron offers education degrees in all of these areas.