President's Strategic Planning Committee
The President's Strategic Planning Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the President on matters related to addressing the University Strategic Plan, Campus Master Plan, and maintaining Higher Learning Commission Accreditation. The committee also serves as the nominating body for ad hoc committees for strategic plan development, campus master plan development, and accreditation self-study development on an as needed basis.
Faculty: Chair, Faculty Long-Range Planning Committee; Chair, current Strategic Plan committee; Chair, current Campus Master Plan committee; Chair, previous HLC Self-Study committee.
Students: Two undergraduate students and one graduate student appointed by the Student Government Association President.
Administrators: Accreditation Liaison Officer, members of Executive Council, and other members as appointed by the University President.
Community: Appointment by the Chair of the CU Foundation, Appointment by the Chair of the CU Alumni Association.
Since this committee does not meet on a regular basis minutes are not kept.