Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Council of Chairs

The Council of Chairs is not a formally designated body but is designed to facilitate communication between the chairs, deans, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The council generally meets monthly.

As the Council of Chairs is not a formally designated body, minutes are not kept. Agendas for meetings are available.


Administrators: VPAA, Deans

Faculty: Chairs

Council of Chairs

Vice President for Academic Affairs: Ronna Vanderslice

Associate VP for Academic Affairs: Marge Kingsley

Assistant VP for Academic Affairs: Susan Camp

School of Graduate and Professional Studies: Dean Jennifer Dennis

Business: Krystal Brue

Computing and Technology: Muhammad Javed

Education: Dana Hilbert

Psychology: Mary Dzindolet

Social Sciences: Lance Janda

Sports and Exercise Science: Stephanie Boss

School of Arts and Sciences: Dean Von Underwood

Agriculture, Biology and Health Sciences: Terry Conley

Art, Music and Theatre Arts: Scott Richard Klein

Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering: Danny McGuire

Communication, English and Foreign Languages: Chris Keller

Mathematical Sciences: Narayan Thapa

Military Science: LTC Seth Hall

At-Large Members

Academic Affairs Coordinator: Mandy Husak

Academic Affairs Specialist: Vinetta Buchanan

Academic Services Director: Kyle Jarman

Distance Learning: Lisa Restivo

Information Technology Services: Kelly McClure

Registrar: Linda Phillips